Sunday, April 29, 2012


Why blog?

I'm about 99.3 percent sure those two words are included in the first post of every blogger, in some form or fashion.  What kind of blogger would I be if I bucked that trend?

If you've spoken with me recently, you know two things:  I'm about to be a first-time father, and I have a new camera that I really enjoy using.  The stork is bestowing Neil Fisher to us in approximately 1 month, and I couldn't be more excited.  I just hope baby "Fish" will be able to learn what my face looks like, since I'll probably have a camera in front of it for about 99.3 percent of his childhood.

So why blog?

This blog will serve as the resting place for the byproducts of said camera.  This blog will give family and friends a place to see how Fisher is growing (at least until he is 5 foot 6 inches tall, fingers crossed), and it will serve as a place for me to exhibit my new photography and photo-editing hobby.

Since my offspring is unavailable for photos for about another month, I've been photographing some friends and their kiddos.  It's been tons of fun.  Much thanks to the Connors, Feenstras, and Millers for being my first "guinea pigs" in my photography venture.

So in a nutshell, here's what you can expect from my blog:

Meet Evie Jo

If you don't like babies, photos, or photos of babies, you should probably not look at my blog.  You've been warned.



  1. Love it B! So excited for you and this new interest and gift that you've uncovered about yourself.

  2. I will be looking forward to watching the growth of your little baby "Fish"....Congrats to you both and much happiness as you become "Mom and Dad"....

  3. So proud of you! You've learned so fast...and just in time :)
